Workforce Analytics

Workforce Analytics Dashboard

Intuitive Dashboard

The dashboard displays the overview of employee performance during work hours. With multiple parameters available, like active time, idle time, websites or apps visited, attendance records, etc, employees can effectively measure and manage their productivity levels. It acts as a workforce analytics dashboard for an organization

Key Features of Workforce Analytics Dashboard

Active Time

It showcases the duration of employee screen activity throughout the day, specifically highlighting periods of active engagement.

Idle Time

It displays the total time when the employee screen is on but no activity is performed, indicating the period of screen idleness.

Total Hours

Total hours encompass both the active time and idle time on the employee screen during their working hours.

First Activity

It shows the timestamp of the first activity performed by the employee during the day marking the commencement of their work.

Last Activity

It shows the timestamp of the last activity performed by the employee in the day marking the conclusion of work on that day.

Last 7 Days Report

The weekly report chart is presented through a horizontal bar graph illustrating the active time, idle time, holidays, and work hours of employees over the past 7-day period.

Productivity vs Idle

The productivity graph provides insights into employees' active and idle periods within the selected date range, distinguishing between productive and unproductive time.


The attendance calendar visually represents active workdays in green color and holidays in red color, offering a comprehensive overview of the employee’s month at a glance.

Web & Apps

It is presented in the form of a pie chart showcasing the duration spent on specific websites and applications with names and time details by the employees during their work hours.
Team Productivity Dashboard

Team Dashboard

A customized dashboard specially built for team managers to overview the performance of their team for a particular day. Simply select the desired department to review the collective productivity of the whole team. Additionally, managers can also inspect an individual employee’s dashboard for detailed productivity metrics.

Key Features of Team Dashboard

Total Members

It displays the total number of members of a team or department selected.

Active Members

It showcases the number of members who are active or working on the selected date.

Offline Members

It gives the number of members who are inactive or on holiday on the selected date.

Total Hours

It displays the sum of total work hours of all employees in a team for the selected date.

Team Productivity

The team productivity graph illustrates the collective productive time, idle time, and away time of the employees serving as a metric to gauge the productivity of the team.

Top 5 Web/ Apps

A pie chart presents the top 5 websites or applications that are most frequently utilized with total hours spent by team members on a specified day.

Productive Web/ Apps

It displays a list of productive websites or apps used by the team members on the specified day including timestamps for each usage.

Unproductive Web/ Apps

It displays a list of unproductive websites or apps accessed by the team members on the specified day with time stamps for each usage.


As companies have become more flexible about the workplace of their team, employees can now work from any corner of the world. But with the flexibility of time and place comes hurdles in the collaboration of the team. A Screen monitoring application can synchronize the connectivity among the employees with screenshots and recordings of one’s computer screen.

With the Screen monitoring app, a manager can track employees’ productivity, share necessary visuals about missed meetings or training with the employees, schedule the workflow, and much more.

MeraMonitor screen monitoring is a feature where organizations can track the employee's productivity with several measures like screenshot monitoring, advanced analytics and reports, offline time tracking, and much more.

All types of teams can rely on screen monitoring. Be it remote, hybrid, or in-house. Screen monitoring application offers the flexibility of tracking employees' activity at a safe distance and reaping productivity benefits out of it.

The key features of MeraMonitor Screen Monitoring include:
  • Real-time monitoring and alerts
  • User-friendly interface
  • Advanced Analytics and Reporting
  • Offline Time tracking
  • Powerful and secure framework
  • Customizable monitoring

Screen monitoring often creates a negative impact on employees’ minds. It is important to make your team understand that this application is a helpful way to boost their productivity and a measure taken to applaud their hard work. 

Introduce Screen monitoring to the team as beneficial propaganda for them. Highlight the advantages they will get with the installation of screen monitoring. Be transparent with your employees about your concerns too.

Screen monitoring brings a sense of accuracy to your business.  Accurate punch-ins, time reporting, project accomplishments, and management of remote teams go up the productivity and performance with the decrease in managerial costs.