How to Make Time Go Faster


Sometimes, work days will fly by and sometimes they seem to drag on. It is common for everyone to wonder how to make time go faster at work, especially while feeling bored during downtime or getting stuck in unlikely stuff. In this world where time is a crucial commodity for all, the desire to make time move faster has become a common aspiration. Well, one can’t accelerate time physically, but the perception of it can greatly affect one’s productivity and well-being. 

Managing time perception can help people optimize their productivity and overall satisfaction. So, the question arises, what can you do about time? How to make your time at work go faster? Why does it sometimes feel very slow in the workplace? Read on this blog to find all the answers simultaneously.

Why Does Time Go Slow At Work?

All employees spend the same hours in the office. But why do some employees feel their time is moving slowly while others think it is going fast? Well, the fact is that it is the brain that makes employees think like that. When doing favorable activities, employees remain so occupied that they don’t even realize the passing of time. But the situation will be different while doing nothing or working on a boring project. Multiple reasons can make employees think time is dragging on. 

  • Various External Factors: 

    Sometimes external factors like noise, talkative colleagues, technical glitches, etc. can create disturbance and employees may get irritated with that while focusing on their work. Waiting impatiently for the disturbance to go and get the focus back, can make them think that time is passing slowly. 
  • Frequently Looking at the Clock
    Employees frequently keeping an eye on that clock hanging on the wall or the table, are more likely to feel how slowly time progresses. The more they want the time to move faster, the slower it passes. 
  • Unfamiliarity
    Time slows down when people are exposed to new experiences and environments. Imagine your first day at school or a new job. All the things feel unfamiliar. The brain is still processing new things and information, the time will go slower in such cases.
  • Lack of engagement
    Time passes slowly when you are not engaged deeply in the work you are doing. Imagine you are creating a balance sheet that is long and has repeated entries, but you are not enjoying this boring job and do not want to perform it. This will make your time go slowly. On the contrary, if you are engaged in a fun-filled or interesting activity of your choice, the time will fly faster.

After knowing the reasons behind the slow passing of time, you might be wondering how to make time go faster at work. Well, it’s time to stop struggling with those long workdays as we have listed the 13 most important tips to help you make your time faster. Have a look. 

Some Effective Tips to Consider

Let’s start with the effective ways to make time fly, that one can consider to pass the time swiftly at the workplace.

  1. Use a time-tracking app 
    One of the easiest ways to make time go faster is time tracking. For this, one can use time-tracking apps like Mera Monitor. Using the app, employees can make their time at the workplace go faster as it will show them how many hours they have spent working on a particular project. They will also be able to visualize their work progress, which will offer them a sense of momentum as well as accomplishment.  Give it a try to witness the difference. 
  2.  Create and Follow a To-Do List
    We all know that when we are disorganized and do not have any idea about where to begin with the task, time will feel like dragging. A major reason behind this is we don’t have any goal on which we can focus. So, how to solve this issue? The answer is by creating a to-do list. Harmonize a clear set of goals or tasks you need to do every day. As a result, it will be easier to spend productive time at the workplace and also focus on the work. 
  3. Focus on Meaningful Work
    Engagement in work will drop when you are stuck on something meaningless. This will lead to detachment from the work.  Disengaged employees may find themselves checking the clock more often feeling like the time is dragging on forever. That’s why it is important to focus on the work that motivates you at the workplace. Engage yourselves in the tasks that require your skills and creativity. 
  4. Use Time-Blocking Techniques
    When it comes to making time go faster, one can always go for this strategy. Well, it is quite simple to execute. Time blocking requires employees to divide their day into different time blocks for every task they need to complete. This will help them to understand what they need to do and when to complete the task. As a result, they will remain focused on their work, without thinking about time.

    One can also set time frames for each task wisely and ensure they are achievable. Once you are done with the first task, you will automatically start working on the next task. It will make time feel like it’s moving faster and effectively during office hours.

  5. Enter Your Flow State
    Flow is a state of mind where a person gets completely immersed in a task. When an employee enters his flow state, his mind will get occupied by what he is working on. That will help shift the attention from the clock to the work. This, in turn, will create a feeling of time passing faster. 

    To attain the flow state, it is important to choose a task that you want to focus on. Even if the work is a little challenging, ensure that it is within your knowledge and skill level. And disable all the notifications to avoid any distractions. 

  6. Whenever You Get Opportunities, Have Some Fun
    When we engage in fun activities, that creates positive emotions and it can make us feel that time goes faster. So, whenever possible, take a break and engage in something fun. This will definitely make the time fly at the workplace. For example, you can chat with other employees or watch some funny videos, etc.  Apart from this, one can also use the break time to decide what to do next. This will keep the loop moving.
  7. Grow Your Skills and Learn Something New
    If you are done with your everyday tasks and there are still some hours left to leave the workplace, do not waste time by looking at the clock. Take advantage of the opportunity and invest your time in something productive. You can use your free time for something useful like enhancing your skillset, completing a course, or reading industry news. This will help you a lot in increasing your expertise. Well, this shouldn’t have to be professional. One can use this time to explore new interests and hobbies. 
  8. Enhance Your Focus Skills
    Focus means a person’s ability to pay attention to the task he/she is performing without getting distracted by internal or external factors. When you are focused, it can help you enjoy the desired outcome without much stress. Besides, time goes faster when we are completely focused on the task. Now you might be wondering how to improve your focus skills. Well, this can be achieved through meditation and time management or you can use a tory or fidget spinner for self-stimulation. Anyone can easily train their focus and enhance their ability to attain the flow state
  9. Enable Do Not Disturb Mode
    As we are all using smartphones nowadays, we are bound to receive notifications from social media apps, mailing apps, messaging apps, etc. However, to make time go faster, it is important to avoid those notifications as they create distraction. For that, you can just enable the do not disturb mode. During your working hours, you can mute the smartwatch and mobile phone. Besides, instead of using a messaging app, one can opt for an asynchronous communication tool. Set a time frame to check your personal mail or social media.
  10. Associate With Colleagues
    Work shifts go by faster when you work with employees you like. This can help get the task done faster and more efficiently. Besides, it can also help boost your mood, team engagement, and understanding of work. On the contrary, socialization at the workplace can be quite challenging in a remote working setup, but it is not impossible. Some activities specially designed for remote teams can be used for this, like participating in online team activities, chatting with an employee, sharing videos or memes in group chats, etc. 
  11. Change Your Environment or Scenery
    Remember that the environment of the place where you work can influence your productivity and well-being. It is a good idea to improve your work atmosphere by removing all distractions and clutters. If you are working remotely or at home, try to go to a coffee shop or co-working space. You don’t have to follow this practice every day. Change in the work environment is exciting, stimulating, and a good thing. A small change in the regular work routine can bring excitement, making time passes faster.
  12. Help Your Co-workers
    Offering helping hands to co-workers can help them complete the task faster and will also make your clock tick quickly. While engaging in collaborative efforts, you will put all your focus and efforts into the task and it makes you forget the time for a while, at least till the completion of the task. After all, this is much better than sitting idly and counting the remaining minutes. Helping the team will also lead to better team building and increase the trust factor. 
  13. Reward Yourself
    Rewards can easily motivate people. Setting a goal to achieve something and rewarding yourself once you attain it will keep you motivated and focused. Besides, this will also make the time feel like it’s going faster. When you are motivated, you will also find the task enjoyable. Even though the reward is not tangible, you can just take a break at the end of every task as a reward


Our perception of time depends on different factors, from motivation to the workload and mental state. Try out the above tips and strategies on how to make the workday go faster to change your perception of the ticking clock. These tips can also help you boost the overall productivity at the workplace. Keep in mind that time is a valuable resource and it’s in your hands to decide how you will use it. Implement these tricks to make time go faster and you will realize that time at the workplace doesn’t just pass, in fact, it races at a high speed. It will create a sense of fulfillment and leave you thinking about what’s next.


Well, while it is impossible to control the time, participating in various enjoyable activities and staying productive can help people feel that time is flying by. So, focus on these things and make your every moment count. 

While there are many reasons behind this, some major reasons are working on a dull or repetitive task, workload, feeling of disengagement, and unfriendly work atmosphere.

This can be possible by creating an effective time management plan. A team leader can create a to-do list and divide time for every task for his/her employees. Besides, instead of doing multiple tasks haphazardly, they can focus on deep work.

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