Best Practices for Managing Remote Employees


Nowadays, more companies are shifting towards creating remote teams. In fact, working remotely has become a common trend among many organizations with a physical office. Before the pandemic, around 6 percent of employees worked remotely. However, the percentage has reached 28% and is expected to increase progressively in the coming years. On the other hand, businesses also operate with multiple distributed teams to hire top talent.  

As this trend is here to stay, it has become crucial for managers to develop the right tactics for managing remote teams. Failing to use best practices for managing teams remotely can make remote employees feel disengaged and neglected. Do you have distributed teams or remote employees? Want to ensure constant performance from them?

In this article, we have mentioned some remote teams’ best practices that can make things easier for team managers. But first of all, let’s talk about the challenges faced by managers to supervise a remote team

Common Challenges in Managing Remote Teams

Before exploring how to manage remote teams, every manager should understand the challenges that arise with remote working. Some most common challenges to consider here are:

  • Confusion
    Slack messages and emails aren’t always clear. And employees can easily get confused about expectations and processes. On the other hand, not every remote employee has the courage to come forward when they have a doubt.
  • Monitoring Work Performance
    It is quite challenging to track the performance and productivity of a remote team. It requires the right methods and tools. Besides, managers also need to support employees’ privacy.
  • Various Time Zones
    Your remote teams are likely to work in various time zones. Coordinating meetings and schedules with these teams can be challenging. This may cause communication gaps and mismanagement.
  • Communication Preference
    Every employee has their own communication preferences. And it may not be possible for a manager to use all those methods or tools. Furthermore, forcing remote employees to use a single communication tool may lead to conflict.
  • Making All Employees Feel Part of a Team
    Some remote employees may feel disconnected or left out from the team. It can impact their engagement and morale.
  • Employee Onboarding and Training
    Offering proper onboarding and employee training remotely would be less effective and impactful compared to in-person sessions.
  • Conflict Resolution
    When it comes to resolving a conflict among remote employees, managers may face issues as there will be no face-to-face interaction.
  • Burnout
    Every employee can suffer from burnout. However, remote employees are more susceptible to this. If there are no clear rules and guidelines, they may stay “on” throughout the day without any proper break.


    Even though there are some challenges in managing teams remotely, that doesn’t mean you can’t achieve the desired results. All you have to do is just work harder and deploy the right practices, which brings you to the next important section.

Best and Effective Remote Employee Management Practices

Many well-known organizations have witnessed success with their remote teams, and some have become 100 percent remote companies. So, are you ready to achieve this? Here are some effective practices for managing a remote team.

  • Set Clear Expectations

    More than 32 percent of remote employees agree that transparency creates a feeling of connectedness at work. You can maintain transparency by establishing clear regulations for all. Set expectations and boundaries for remote teams. Communicate the company’s vision and mission clearly. Ensure that every employee understands their individual goals as well as team goals. 

    One of the most effective ways to implement expectations is to organize a kick-off meeting and explain all procedures and policies to the remote team. After that, prefer to hold monthly or weekly meetings. 

  • Use of The Right Tools

    Every employer should ensure that remote employees have access to the tools, information, and training they need to complete assigned tasks. Deploy the right tools to empower them. Use tools that support better engagement and collaboration. There are multiple tools that works best for project management like Trello, Asana, and Karya Keeper. Some tools aces at time and productivity tracking like Mera Monitor, worktime, and insightful. Use these tools to handle every task of a business wisely. From AP tools to IT tools for tech teams, the tools can simplify a lot of tasks. 

  • Create Clear Policies for Remote Teams

    Don’t forget to establish a proper remote work policy for distant employees to maintain compliance. Besides, set clear guidelines. While making policies, ensure that they are tailored to the organization and the specific role of the employee. Implement policies for total work hours, compensation, use of office equipment, employee leave, security, etc.

  • Hold Face-to-Face Meeting

    Meeting as a team or individually can offer a lot of benefits. With purposeful meetings, managers can create a strong work culture, boost engagement and develop rapport. Even though you have a remote team, arrange face-to-face meetings. You can use tools such as Google Meet, Zoom, Skype, etc. to discuss work progress, employees’ requirements, and much more. These practices make remote employees feel connected. Keep your meetings short but meaningful. 

  • Create Space for Flexibility

    Every remote employee has a different work environment. Besides, some will have children and spouses while some won’t. While some employees will have a private workplace in their home, some will be attending meetings from a café or closet. Well, the point here is that managers need to understand such circumstances and allow flexibility. 

    For example, allowing employees to work at their desired time, setting reasonable timelines for tasks, etc. Just a little bit of flexibility can work like magic for remote employees. 

  • Focus on Creating Streamlined Workflows

    It is common for a remote team to encounter various challenges when it comes to coordinating their tasks and staying on the right track. But you can avoid this by setting clear workflows. Besides, establish clear processes for every task. What’s more? You can also cut out unnecessary steps using modern tools to simplify some tasks for remote employees. With this, you can ensure that every task is completed on time and efficiently.

  • Regular Performance Reviews

    Just like in-house teams, remote teams can also benefit from performance reviews. Regular performance checks will allow organizations to discuss clearly about work expectations and progress. Besides, it helps to identify areas for improvement. Furthermore, these reviews can keep employees and managers on the same page. Try to offer constructive feedback, as remote teams may lack in-person feedback which is common for in-house employees. 

  • Create a Culture That Supports Work-Life Balance

    As remote employees are working remotely from various time zones, any notifications, emails, or chat messages can disturb their sleep. So, be conscious while setting meetings and deciding on working hours. Respect the time off of every remote employee. Just because these employees are not available physically in the workplace, that doesn’t mean they can be bothered or called on their leave. Show that you respect their time. With this, you can cultivate the trust factor and create positive relationships. 

  • Encourage Social Interactions

    As per a survey conducted by Buffer, around 20 percent of remote employees deal with loneliness. Besides, 20 percent of them face challenges to communicate and collaborate. How do we avoid these issues? Encouraging social interactions can be an effective method for this. Set up coffee chats, organize team-building gaming sessions, keep fun Fridays for extracurricular activities, etc. for every employee to socialize and connect with others. 

  • Offer Emotional Support

    Isolation can affect employees’ psychological health negatively. It is crucial for every manager to understand stress and listen to remote employees’ concerns and anxiety. Showing some empathy can also work great. Don’t depend on others to find out what’s going on with your employees. Go on and ask employees how they are doing. Listen to them actively. Don’t just listen; understand them and come up with the right solutions. 

  • Celebrate Every Wins

    Achieving objectives and celebrating every milestone together is something that creates a perfect team. So, while managing a remote team, don’t let distance affect the ritual. Make an extra effort and recognize employees’ contributions. This act can keep your remote team motivated to give their best. You can organize virtual parties or send gifts to employee’s addresses. If possible, offer a bonus leave. Don’t postpone such celebrations. Celebrate both big and small wins. With this, remote employees will feel encouraged. 

Some Effective Tools to Manage Remote Employees or A Team

Without the right technology and tools, managing a remote team would be difficult. If you are not leveraging these tools, you are likely to face some challenges and reduced productivity. So, here are some of the best tools that can help you in remote team management. 

  • Communication Tools or Platforms

    A core element for managing team remotely is effective communication. You should use efficient and reliable tools for remote employees to facilitate smooth communication. Various tools such as Zoom, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, and Basecamp 3 come with useful features. For example, quick file sharing, instant messaging, video calls, and more. 

  • Project Management Tools

    With the best project management tools, you can increase the efficiency of your remote employees. Besides, they help in attaining work centralization. On the other hand, these tools make collaboration between teams easier. Some reliable project management tools you can use are KaryaKeeper, Wrike, Asana, Monday, Trello, Jira, Miro, and TeamWork. 

  • Collaboration Tools

    There are many collaboration tools that are designed for remote teams. These tools allow participants to create and share documents, make changes in real time, leave suggestions, etc. Some of the best tools you can try are Click Up, Miro, Todoist, Google Workspace, Dropbox, and more. 

  • Video Communication or Conferencing Tools

    With these tools, it is possible to allow teams to collaborate or interact face-to-face, making conversation more meaningful. For video meetings, you can use Vowel. It has all the features to keep meetings engaging. For async communication, Loom can be an excellent choice. 

  • International Hiring Tools

    These tools can help you eliminate potential global barriers while attracting global talent to the team. You can opt for tools like Greenhouse and Veremark to get the best results. 

  • Time Management Tools

    Use tools like Harvest, Hubstaff, and Toggle for better time management of remote employees. These tools offer a central dashboard for different tasks, deadlines, scope, and more. 

  • Employee Well-Being and Engagement tools

    With the right engagement tools, you can develop belonging and team connection. For a better understanding of your remote employee experience, you can use Culture Amp. For rewards, give Bonusly a try. To help employees find the right co-working space for remote working, you can use Desana. 


Just like your in-house team, remote employees also have the potential for innovation, creativity, and productivity. However, they may take their expertise and knowledge elsewhere if you don’t understand how to manage a remote team. If you already have a remote team, then you can’t afford any delay in implementing best practices for remote employee management. Just consider the practices mentioned above, and you can easily create and maintain a motivated remote team. All the best with your positive remote working culture!


It is a process of effectively managing remote employees and tasks. It involves a lot of effort, and the use of tools and policies to maintain collaboration and productivity in a distributed work environment. 

Whether you are managing a single team or multiple teams, it is important to focus on communication and deployment of the right tools like MeraMonitor, Asana, ClickUp, etc. Besides, consider recognition and work structure.

Conduct regular check-ins, follow a results-based approach, and motivate every employee to attain success independently to keep them productive.

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